Contract n° | EVR1-CT-2002-40026 | Project duration: | Dec 1st 2002 - May 31st 2006 |
Objectives: The world's population has become increasingly concentrated in large conurbations at high risk from volcanic hazards. European cities on explosive volcanoes and volcanic islands are particularly threatened by pyroclastic flows and tephra fall. Quantification of the risk associated with a range of eruption scenarios, the risk's potential impact, and risk mitigation are priorities. The EXPLORIS project addresses these issues by advancing scientific and technological capabilities (e.g. simulation codes, vulnerability databases, and probabilistic risk protocols) needed for volcanic risk assessment and mitigation. The project applies the techniques and methods to four European volcanoes representing a high risk: Vesuvius , Italy ; La Soufrière , Guadeloupe , France ; Sete Cidades, Azores , Portugal ; and Teide, Canary Islands, Spain . The aim is to provide examples of the capabilities for supporting officials in planning priorities and decision-making during volcanic crises. Scientific achievements: The main scientific achievements obtained during the EXPLORIS project consist of the development of the three research infrastructures, or facilities, described in the project work plan together with their first applications to the project volcanoes. The three research infrastructures are: 1) the numerical simulation codes of explosive phenomena, 2) the vulnerability functions and databases, and 3) the probabilistic protocols for risk assessment. In more detail, new simulation models, based on a transient, 3D, and multiphase description of the phenomena and able to exploit the computing power of modern supercomputers, were completed and tested by applying them to well-known test cases. First 3D large-scale simulations of pyroclastic flows produced by the collapse of the volcanic column were produced by using the code PDAC. Similarly, two ash fallout codes, named FALL3D and VOL-CALPUFF, were completed and applied to describe the proximal and distal fallout of ash produced by the volcanic column. Parallely, more simple 1D/2D models of pyroclastic flows and ash fallout were used and applied for the first time to the island volcanoes. As far as the vulnerability functions are concerned, a complete set of studies aimed at the definition of building and human vulnerability relationships to the actions of earthquakes, pyroclastic flows, and ash fallout were produced. In particular, building vulnerability functions to dynamic pressure of the flow, isotropic pressure variations, missiles transported by the flow, tephra load on roofs, ash infiltration, fire potential, etc. were all defined. The effect of the combination of actions on buildings due to the contemporaneous presence of more than one phenomena was also investigated. Finally, probabilistic risk assessment protocols based on the development of event trees and expert elicitations were developed and first applications to the four project volcanoes completed. In addition, a first probabilistic risk assessment code able to combine hazard, vulnerability, and territorial data was completed. Applications of the tools and functions developed were performed in the last few months of the project at Vesuvius and some of the island volcanoes. Impact scenarios as well as probabilistic estimates of the different scenarios and hazardous actions expected, also including credible intervals, were for the first time carried out. Mitigation measures able to increase the resistance of building to the actions of explosive eruptions were also proposed and experimentally tested. Main deliverables: 3D simulation codes, vulnerability functions, and probabilistic risk procedures were the main concrete volcanic risk facilities delivered by the EXPLORIS project. All these tools could be easily applied to other volcanic regions and therefore could be potentially exploited by the project. An additional important deliverable of the project was the reconstruction of the eruptive history of the four volcanoes as well as the quantitative definition of the possible scenarios expected in the form of logic Event Trees. Socio-economic relevance and policy implications: The EXPLORIS project contributes directly to improve the quality of life of millions of people in high-risk European regions through the establishment of safer living conditions. In particular, the assessment of volcanic risk on a probabilistic basis, as well as the identification of possible mitigation measures, shall help in defining mitigation policies aimed at risk reduction for cities on volcanoes and volcanic islands. Conclusions: The main aim of the EXPLORIS project consisted in the introduction of a new methodology and new tools in the quantitative assessment of volcanic risk in densely populated regions. This goal was fully achieved through the development of research facilities completely new for the volcanological community. The project also tried to stimulate new mitigation policies and decision support to the authorities responsible for the most dangerous European volcanoes. The results obtained are promising and increase the chances to significantly improve the assessment of volcanic risk at the four project volcanoes in the coming years. Dissemination of results: Project results were disseminated by publication of papers in international journals (about 30 already printed and 25 submitted) as well as through presentations at national and international conferences (more than 100). In addition, a special issue of the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research entitled "Evaluating explosive risk at European volcanoes" is in preparation with more than 15 contributions fully derived from EXPLORIS. Further dissemination of the project outcomes was carried out by the organization of several technical meetings with civil officials and authorities of the countries of the selected volcanoes as well as by the organization of a final EXPLORIS Workshop in Naples with the attendance of international recognized experts in volcanic risk. Keywords: Volcanic risk, explosive eruptions, numerical simulations, pyroclastic flow, ash fallout, vulnerability relationships, probabilistic risk assessment protocols, Vesuvio, La Soufrière Guadaloupe , Sete Cidades Azores Islands, Teide Canary Islands, Soufrière Hills Montserrat. |
Publications DURING THE FIRST YEAR (cumulative list)
Peer Reviewed Articles:
Authors |
Date |
Title |
Journal |
Reference |
Bertagnini A., R. Cioni, E. Guidoboni, M. Rosi, A. Neri, E. Boschi |
2006 | Eruption early warning at Vesuvius: The A.D. 1631 lesson | Geophysical Research Letters | Vol. 33, L18317, doi:10.1029/ 2006GL027297 |
Cavazzoni C., T. Esposti Ongaro, G. Erbacci, A. Neri, G .Macedonio |
2005 |
High performance computer simulations of pyroclastic flows | Computer Physics Communications | Vol. 169, 454-456, 2005 |
Costa A., G. Macedonio, A. Folch |
2006 |
A three-dimensional Eulerian model for transport and deposition of volcanic ashes | Earth and Planetary Science Letters | Vol. 241, 634-647, 2006 |
Di Muro A., |
2004 |
Contemporaneous convective and collapsing eruptive dynamics: The transitional regime of explosive eruptions |
Geophysical Research Letters |
Vol. 31, L10607, 2004 |
EXPLORIS Consortium | 2005 |
Explosive eruption risk and decision support for EU populations threatened by volcanoes: The EXPLORIS project | Parliament Magazine | Vol. 146, 50-51, 2005 |
Folch A., A. Felpeto |
2005 |
A coupled model for dispersal of tephra during sustained explosive eruptions | Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research | Vol. 145, 337-349, 2005 |
Folch A. and J. Martí |
2004 |
Geometrical and mechanical constraints on the formation of ring-fault calderas | Earth and Planetary Science Letters | Vol. 221, 215-225, 2004 |
Geyer A., A. Folch, J. Marti |
2007 |
A relationship between caldera collapse and magma chamber withdrawal: an experimental approach | Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research | In press |
Gomes A., JL. Gaspar, G. Queiroz |
2006 |
Seismic vulnerability of dwellings at Sete Cidades Volcano (S. Miguel, Azores) | Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences | Vol. 6, 41-48, 2006 |
Gomes A., JL. Gaspar, C. Goulart, G. Queiroz |
2005 |
Evaluation of landslide susceptibility of Sete Cidades Volcano (S. Miguel Island, Azores). | Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences | Vol. 5, 251-257, 2005 |
Guidazzoli A., et al. | 2006 |
An interactive virtual Environment to comunicate Vesuvius eruptions numerical simulations and Pompeii history | Proceedings Siggraph 2006 Conference, Boston | Session Educators n. 46 |
Gurioli L., M.T. Pareschi , E. Zanella , R. Lanza , E. De Luca , M. Bisson |
2005 |
Interaction of pyroclastic density currents with human settlements: evidence from ancient Pompeii | Geology | Vol. 33, 6, 441-444, 2005 |
Gurioli L., E. Zanella, M.T. Pareschi, R. Lanza |
2006 |
Influences of urban fabric on pyroclastic density currents at Pompeii (Italy), part I: Flow direction and deposition | Journal of Geophysical Research | In press. |
Hincks, T.K., W.P. Aspinall, P.J. Baxter, A. Searl, R.S.J. Sparks, G. Woo |
2005 |
Long term exposure to respirable volcanic ash in Montserrat: a time series simulation | Bulletin of Volcanology | Doi 10.1007/s00445-005-0006-9 |
Komorowski JC., G. Boudon, M. Semet, F. Beauducel, C. Anténor-Habazac, S. Bazin, G. Hammouya |
2005 |
Guadeloupe | In : J.M. Lindsay, S. Ali, R.E.A. Robertson, J.B. Shepherd & L. John (Eds) Volcanic Hazard Atlas of the Lesser Antilles, Seismic Research Unit University of the West Indies Trinidad |
65-102, 2005 |
Le Friant A., G. Boudon, JC. Komorowski, P. Heinrich, M. Semet |
2006 |
Potential flank-collapse of Soufrière volcano, Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles? Numerical simulation and hazards. | Natural Hazards | In press |
Macedonio G., A. Costa , A. Longo |
2005 |
A computer model for volcanic ash fallout and assessment of subsequent hazard | Computer and Geosciences | Vol. 31, 837-845, 2005 |
G. Macedonio , A. Neri , J. Martì , A. Folch |
2005 |
Temporal evolution of flow conditions in sustained magmatic explosive eruptions | Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research | Vol. 143, 153-172, 2005 |
Neri A., T. Esposti Ongaro, G. Macedonio, D. Gidaspow |
2003 |
Multiparticle simulation of collapsing volcanic columns and pyroclastic flows | Journal of Geophysical Research | Vol 108 no. B4, 2202, 2003 |
Neri A., T. Esposti Ongaro, G. Menconi, M. De'Michieli Vitturi, C. Cavazzoni, G. Erbacci, P. Baxter |
2007 |
4D simulation of explosive eruption dynamics at Vesuvius | Geophysical Research Letters | In press |
Neri A. and the EXPLORIS Consortium | 2006 |
Assessing volcanic risk in Europe | Public Service Review, European Union | Vol. 11, 64-65 |
Neri A. and the EXPLORIS Consortium | 2006 |
Explosive Research | Public Service Review, European Union | Vol. 12, 101-102 |
Pfeiffer T., A. Costa , G. Macedonio |
2005 |
A model for the numerical simulation of tephra fall deposits | Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research | Vol. 140, 273-294, 2005 |
Sparks R.S.J., W.P Aspinall. |
2005 |
Volcanic activity: Frontiers and challenges in forecasting prediction and risk assessment | The State of the Planet: Frontiers and challeges in Geophysics Geophysical Monograph, IUGG | Vol. 19, 2005. |
Spence R., I. Kelman, E. Calogero, G. Toyos, P.J. Baxter, JC. Komorowski |
2005 |
Modelling expected physical impacts and human casualties from explosive volcanic eruptions | Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences | Vol. 5, 1003-1015, 2005 |
Spence R., I. Kelman, P.J. Baxter, G. Zuccaro, S. Petrazzuoli |
2005 |
Residential building and occupant vulnerability to tephra fall | Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences | Vol. 5, 477-494, 2005 |
Todesco M., A. Neri, C. Demaria, C. Marmo, G. Macedonio |
2006 |
E' VIVO: Virtual eruptions at Vesuvius. A multimedia tool to illustrate numerical modelling to a generic public | Journal Volcanology and Geothermal Research and associated CD-ROM | Vol. 155, 3/4, 323-328, doi: 10.1016/ j.jvolgeores |
Toyos G., P. Cole, A. Felpeto, J. Martì |
2006 |
A GIS-based methodology for hazard mapping of small volume pyroclastic density currents | Natural Hazards | In press. |
Zanella E., L. Gurioli, M.T. Pareschi, R. Lanza |
2006 |
Influences of urban fabric on pyroclastic density currents at Pompeii ( Italy ), part II: temperature of the deposits and hazard implications | Journal of Geophysical Research | In press. |
3Two copies of publications issued during reporting period should be annexed to the report, specific cases should be agreed by the Project Officer |
Non refereed literature:
Authors / Editors |
Date |
Title |
Event |
Reference |
Type4 |
Andujar. J., J. Marti, J.A. Wolff, and M. Carroll |
2005 |
A comparison between Tenerife pre and post-caldera phonolitic magmas using experimental petrology: implications for eruption dynamics and hazard assessment. | EGU General Assembly, Vienna , April 2005 | Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2005 | Abstract |
Aspinall W.P. | 2005 |
Innovations in using expert judgement to risk assessment: from civil aviation to volcanic eruptions. | University MPhil Environmental Epidemiology Course 2004-2005 - Cambridge UK , 26 January, 2005 | Proceedings of the course | Abstract, oral |
Aspinall W.P. | 2005 |
Integration of data - from uncertainties in seismotectonic modelling to expert elicitation. | IAEA/ICTP Workshop on Earthquake Engineering for Nuclear Facilities - Uncertainties in Seismic Hazard Assessment, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste , Italy, 14 - 25 February 2005 | Proceedings of the course | Abstract, oral |
Aspinall W.P. | 2005 |
Applications of QRA in the Four Elements - from Aviation to Eruptions. | Kaleidoscoopdag - an International Symposium on Risk Analysis, Technical University of Delft , The Netherlands, 13 May 2005 | Proceedings of the course | Abstract, oral |
Aspinall W.P. | 2005 |
Expert judgement for hazard and risk assessment. | CERG Lecture Series 2005. 31 May - 1 June, 2005, Centre d'Etude des Risques Géologiques, Geneva, Switzerland | Proceedings of the course | Abstract, oral |
Aspinall W.P. | 2005 |
Experiences with expert judgement for hazard and risk assessment. | International Atomic Energy Agency Workshop on Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, 13-15 July 2005, Göesgen, Switzerland |
Proceedings of the course | Abstract, oral |
Aspinall W.P. | 2005 |
Volcanic hazard and risk assessment in the Montserrat eruption - the application of advanced and novel procedures. | Soufrière Hills Volcano - Ten Years On Scientific Conference 24-30 July 2005, Montserrat, West Indies | Proceedings of the conference | Abstract, oral |
Aspinall W.P. | 2005 |
The Montserrat Eruption, 1995-2005. | International Workshop on Strategy for Volcanic Disaster Mitigation, 26 - 28 October 2005, Yamanishi Institute of Environmental Sciences and NIED National Institute for Emergency Disasters, Japan | Proceedings of the conference | Abstract, oral |
Aspinall W.P., P.J. Baxter, A. Cowie, A. Searl, C.L. Tran, T. Hincks, R.S.J. Sparks and G. Woo |
2005 |
Risk assessment for silicosis and exposure to volcanic ash on Montserrat. | Soufrière Hills Volcano-Ten Years On Scientific Conference 24-30 July 2005, Montserrat, West Indies | Proceedings of the conference | Abstract, oral |
Aspinall W.P., J.L. Latchman, W. Marzocchi, L. Lynch, R.E.A. Richardson |
2005 | Earthquake-volcano stress coupling and the Soufrière Hills Volcano - Soufrière Hills Volcano. | Soufrière Hills Volcano-Ten Years On Scientific Conference 24-30 July 2005, Montserrat, West Indies | Proceedings of the conference | Abstract, oral |
Aspinall W.P, F.J. Savage, K.C. Rowley |
2005 | Administrators and scientists in Montserrat during the early years of the eruption: perspectives on a complex relationship. | Soufrière Hills Volcano-Ten Years On Scientific Conference 24-30 July 2005, Montserrat, West Indies | Proceedings of the conference | Abstract, oral |
Aspinall W.P., R. Cioni, P.D. Cole, A. Neri |
2004 |
Explosive eruptions of Vesuvius: quantification of uncertainties in estimates of eruption magnitude and intensity from tephra fall data in the EXPLORIS project . | IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly, Pucón, Chile | Proceedings IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly | Abstract, oral |
Barsotti S., A. Neri |
2006 |
Modelling atmospheric effects on plume dynamics and ash dispersal from explosive eruptions | 26th Meeting of the Committee of Mathematical Geophysics, Sea of Galilee, Israel, June 2006 |
Proceedings of the meeting | Abstract, oral |
Barsotti S., A. Neri |
2006 |
The influence of wind field on ash dispersal and eruptive style of explosive eruptions | EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2006 |
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 6, 2004 | Abstract, oral |
Barsotti S., A. Neri, J. Scire |
2006 |
Modelling ash fall dispersal from weak explosive plumes | Cities on Volcanoes 4, Quito, January 2006 | Proceedings of the conference | Abstract, oral |
Barsotti S., L. Nannipieri, A. Neri |
2006 |
An early-warning system for volcanic ash dispersal: the MAFALDA procedure | AGU 2006 Fall meeting | AGU Fall Proceedings | Abstract, oral |
Barsotti S., A. Neri, J. Scire |
2005 |
Forecasting volcanic ash dispersal: developments and application of the CALPUFF System. | EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2005 |
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2005 | Abstract, oral |
Barsotti S., A. Neri, J. Scire |
2004 |
Assessing volcanic ash dispersal at Mt.Etna by using the CALPUFF System. | EGU General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2004 | Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 6, 2004 | Abstract, poster |
Barsotti S., A. Neri, J. Scire |
2004 | Assessing volcanic ash hazard by using the CALPUFF System. | Volcanic Ash and Aviation Safety, IInd International Conferences, Alexandria, June 21-24 2004 |
Proceeding of the VAAS 2004 |
Abstract, oral |
Beauducel F., C. Antenor-Habazac, D. Mallarino |
2005 |
WEBOVS: integrated monitoring system interface for volcano observatories. | Soufrière Hills Volcano - Ten Years On Scientific Conference 24-30 July 2005, Montserrat, West Indies | Proceedings volume | Abstract, oral |
Beauducel F., C. Antenor-Habazac, D. Mallarino |
2005 |
WEBOVS: integrated monitoring system interface for volcano observatories. | Annual workshop 2005: Quantifying volcanic activity Saint-Claude, Guadeloupe Sept. 19-24, 2005 |
Proceedings volume Working group of the European Seismological Commission and Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique de Guadeloupe (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris) IAVCEI-IASPEI |
Abstract, poster |
Boudon G., JC. Komorowski, M. Semet |
2005 |
Laterally-directed blasts in the Lesser Antilles arc: origin, effects, and hazards. | Soufrière Hills Volcano - Ten Years On Scientific Conference 24-30 July 2005, Montserrat, West Indies | Proceedings volume | Abstract, oral |
Boudon, G., JC. Komorowski, F. Beauducel |
2005 | Field trip on La Soufrière: The volcanism in Guadeloupe Basse Terre and Grande Découverte- la Soufrière Complex. | Annual workshop 2005: Quantifying volcanic activity Saint-Claude, Guadeloupe Sept. 19-24, 2005 | Proceedings volume Working group of the European Seismological Commission and Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique de Guadeloupe (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris) IAVCEI-IASPEI | Fieldtrip guidebook 1-21 pp pdf on line |
Boudon G., A. Le Friant, JC. Komorowski, C. Deplus, M. Semet |
2004 |
Effects of the instability of volcanic edifices: examples from the Lesser Antilles arc volcanoes. | IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly, Pucón, Chile | Proceedings IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly | Abstract |
Boudon G., M.P. Semet, J-C. Komorowski, B. Villemant, A. Michel |
2003 |
Was the last magmatic eruption of la Soufrière, Guadeloupe, in 1440 A.D. triggered by partial collapse of the volcano? | EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 06-11 April 2003 | Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 5, 2003, p. 10398 | Abstract |
Calogero E., R. Spence, A. Brown, I. Kelman |
2005 |
Surveying building vulnerability to explosive volcanic eruptions and applying the results for mitigation and civil defence. | EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 24-29 April 2005 | Geophysical Research Abstract | Abstract, oral |
Cavazzoni C., G. Erbacci, T. Esposti Ongaro, A. Neri, S. Baseggio |
2004 |
Pyroclastic density currents Simulations by Parallel Computing. | 9th ScicomP meeting held in Bologna, Italy, March 23 - 26, 2004 | ScicomP Proceedings 2004 | Abstract, oral |
Cavazzoni C., T. Esposti Ongaro, G. Erbacci, A. Neri, G. Macedonio |
2004 |
High Performance Computing Simulations of Pyroclastic Flows. | Conference on Computational Physics 2004 (CCP2004) | CCP2004 Proceedings Book | Abstract, oral, and proceedings |
Clarke A., A. Neri, G. Macedonio, B. Voight |
2003 |
Effects of conduit flow parameters on Vulcanian explosion characteristics. | EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 06-11 April 2003 | Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 5, 2003, p. 08826 | Abstract, poster |
Cole P.D. | 2005 |
Utilizing Soufrière Hills, Montserrat, pyroclastic flow data for hazard mapping. | Soufrière Hills Volcano - Ten Years On Scientific Conference 24-30 July 2005, Montserrat, West Indies | Proceedings volume | Abstract, oral |
Cole PD., G. Queiroz, J.L. Gaspar |
2004 |
Subplinian / hydrovolcanic explosive eruptions at Sete Cidades; eruption mechanisms and hazard implications. | IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly, Pucón, Chile | Proceedings IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly | Abstract, oral |
Coudret E. | 2004 |
A GIS database for Soufrière of Gudeloupe volcano. | Master's in GIS Engineering |
Master's in GIS Engineering Unpublished |
Report |
Coudret E, |
2004 |
A GIS database for Soufrière of Gudeloupe volcano. | Oral presentation and discussion |
Exploris Web and reports | Oral Present. |
Cluzet C. | 2004 |
Réalisation d'un Modèle numérique de terrain (DEM) total (bathymétrie multifaisceau et données MNT IGN): application à la simulation numérique des tsunamis volcanogénique à la Soufrière de Guadeloupe. | Geology Engineering degree IGAL |
Geology Engineering degree IGAL |
Report |
Diller K., A. Clarke, A. Neri, G. Macedonio, B. Voight |
2003 |
Effects of conduit flow parameters on Vulcanian explosion characteristics. | AGU Fall meeting | AGU Fall Proceedings V51E-0329 | Abstract, oral |
Dinis L. | 2006 |
Contribuição para a definição da escala vulcanoestratigráfica da ilha de S. Miguel (Açores). | Departamento de Geociências | Universidade dos Açores. | Master thesis |
Esposti Ongaro T., A. Neri, M. Pelanti, R. LeVeque |
2006 |
Shock wave pattern and atmospheric signature of underexpanded volcanic jets | Workshop on Oscillations in volcanic systems, Lancaster, September 2006 | Proceedings of the conference | Abstract, oral |
Esposti Ongaro T., A. Neri, G. Menconi, C. Cavazzoni, G. Erbacci |
2006 |
Column collapse and pyroclastic flow dynamics by using 3D multiphase flow simulations | Walker Symposium on Advances in Volcanology, Island, June 2006 | Proceedings of the conference | Abstract, oral |
Esposti Ongaro T., A. Neri, C. Cavazzoni, G. Erbacci, A. Clarke, B. Voight |
2006 |
A new high-performance 3D multiphase flow code for the simulation of collapsing columns and volcanic blasts | Cities on Volcanoes 4, Quito, January 2006 | Proceedings of the conference | Abstract, oral |
Esposti Ongaro T., A. Neri, A. Clarke, B. Voight |
2005 |
Multiphase numerical simulations of directed blasts and their pyroclastic density currents: pressurization and topographic controls for the December 1997 Boxing Day event, Montserrat, and the 1902 events at Montagne Pelee, Martinique. | Soufrière Hills Volcano - Ten Years On Scientific Conference 24-30 July 2005, Montserrat, West Indies | Proceedings of the conference | Abstract, oral |
Esposti Ongaro T., A. Neri, A. Clarke, B. Voight |
2005 |
Numerical simulation of volcanic blasts: effect of different dome pressurization models and topographic control in the Boxing Day event at Montserrat. | FIST Conference, Spoleto, Sept 2005 | Proceedings of the conference | Abstract, oral |
Esposti Onagro T., A. Neri, C. Cavazzoni, G. Erbacci, G. Macedonio, M.V. Salvetti, F. Beux, M.De Michieli Vitturi |
2004 |
Towards the three dimensional multiphase flow simulation of volcanic columns and pyroclastic flows. | IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly, Pucón, Chile | Proceedings IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly | Abstract, oral |
Esposti Ongaro T., C. Cavazzoni, A. Neri, G. Erbacci |
2004 |
Parallel numerical simulation of pyroclastic density currents. | CINECA Annual report | Science and Supercomputing at Cineca, 2004 | Report |
Esposti Ongaro T., A. Neri, S.Lo Savio |
2004 | Coupled Large Eddy Simulation and Lagrangian models for the description of the multiphase flow dynamics of volcanic columns. | Workshop on "Statistics in Volcanology", University of Bristol, March 2004 | Proceedings of the workshop | Abstract, oral |
Esposti Ongaro T., S. Barsotti, A. Neri, G. Macedonio |
2003 |
Modelling of the impact of pyroclastic density currents on buildings. | Cities on Volcanoes 3, Hilo, Hawaii, 14-18 July. | COV 3 Abstract Volume | Abstract, oral |
EXPLORIS Participants |
10-13 May 2006 |
40 Oral presentations on the project themes | EXPLORIS Final Workshop | Project website | Abstract,and oral presentations |
EXPLORIS Consortium | 14-15 Nov 2005 |
The EXPLORIS project: Explosive eruption risk and decision support for EU populations threatened by volcanoes | Communicating European Research Conference 2005, Bruxelles 14-15 Nov 2005 | Conference Proceedings | Exhibition stand |
EXPLORIS Participants | 14 Jun 2005 |
10 Oral presentations on the project themes | Meeting with the Italian Civil Protection Authorities, Rome | Project website | Oral presentations |
EXPLORIS Participants |
15-16 Feb 2005 |
27 Oral presentations on the project themes | EXPLORIS Second Annual meeting, Paris | Project website | Abstract,oral presentations |
EXPLORIS Participants | 28-30 Nov 2003 |
17 Oral presentations on the project themes | EXPLORIS First Annual meeting, Tenerife | Project website | Abstract,oral presentations |
EXPLORIS Participants | 19-20 Sept 2003 |
17 Oral presentations on the project themes | EXPLORIS San Gennaro meeting, Napoli | Project website | Oral presentations |
EXPLORIS Participants | 16-17 Jan 2003 |
17 Oral presentations on the project themes | EXPLORIS Kickoff meeting, Pisa | Project website | Abstract, oral presentations |
Felpeto A., J. Martì |
2005 |
GIS-based automatic system for volcanic hazard assessment. | EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2005 |
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2005 | Abstract |
Folch A., and A. Felpeto |
2004 |
A coupled model for tephra deposition during sustained explosive eruptions. | IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly, Pucón, Chile | Proceedings IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly | Abstract, oral |
Folch A., J. Gottsmann, J. Martì |
2004 |
Numerical modelling of the influence of ring faults and viscoelasticity on the deformation at restless calderas: The case of the 1982-84 uplift at the Campi Flegrei. | IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly, Pucón, Chile | Proceedings IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly | Abstract, poster |
Geyer A., J. Martì, A. Folch |
2005 |
Numerical and experimental studies of collapse calderas. a comparison of results. | EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2005 |
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2005 | Abstract |
Geyer A., A. Folch, J. Martì |
2005 |
A relationship between caldera collapse and magma chamber withdrawal: an experimental approach. | International Workshop on Caldera Volcanism, Tenerife, October 2005 | Abstract volume | Abstract |
Geyer A., A. Folch, J. Martì |
2005 |
A review on collapse calderas modelling. | International Workshop on Caldera Volcanism, Tenerife, October 2005 | Abstract volume | Abstract |
Gomes A., JL. Gaspar, G. Queiroz |
2005 |
Dwellings vulnerability to earthquake hazard at Sete Cidades volcano (S.Miguel Island, Azores). | EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2005 |
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2005 | Abstract, poster |
Gomes A., JL .Gaspar, C. Goulart, G. Queiroz |
2004 |
Landslide susceptibility and risk assessment at Sete Cidades Volcano (S. Miguel Island, Azores). | EGU General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2004 | Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 6, 2004 | Abstract, poster |
Gonçalves P. | 2006 |
Caracterização do depósito Sete-P11 (Sete Cidades, São Miguel, Açores): implicações para a história eruptiva. | Departamento de Geociências | Universidade dos Açores | Master Thesis |
Gonçalves P., J. Pacheco. |
2004 |
Stratigraphy and internal structure of Sete-P11 deposit, (Sete Cidades Volcano, S. Miguel, Azores): implications for its eruptive history. | 4ª Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica | Proceedings 4ª Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica | Extended Abstract, Oral presentation |
Goulart C. | 2004 |
Aplicação de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica à análise de Riscos Geológicos. | Departamento de Geociências | Universidade dos Açores | Master thesis |
Gurioli L., M.T. Pareschi, E. Zanella, E. DeLuca, R. Cioni, R. Santacroce |
2003 |
Impact of the AD 79 eruption of Vesuvius on the city of Pompeii. | Cities on Volcanoes 3, Hilo Hawaii |
COV3 Conference Proceedings | Abstract, poster |
Hincks, T.K.; W.P. Aspinall, G. Woo |
2005 |
Decision Analysis Tools for Volcano Observatories. | AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 2005 | Conference proceedings | Abstract,oral |
Kelman I, R. Spence, A. Brown, D. Purser, P.J. Baxter, E. Calogero |
2005 |
Towards standards and ratings for shelters protecting against explosive volcanic eruptions. | EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 24-29 April 2005 | Geophysical Research Abstract | Abstract, oral |
Komorowski JC, G. Boudon, B. Caron, M. Semet, A. Le Friant, P.J. Baxter |
2005 |
Soufrière eruptive history, eruptive scenarios and event tree. | Exploris Soufrière of Guadeloupe 28-29 July 2005 technical meeting and field discussions Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique de Guadeloupe Gourbeyre, Gaudeloupe | Exploris report | |
Komorowski JC, G. Boudon, F. Beauducel, B. Caron, M. Semet, A. Le Friant, B. Villemant |
2005 |
Reconstructing the eruptive activity of La Grande Découverte-la Soufrière volcano: implications for monitoring and future activity. | Annual workshop 2005: Quantifying volcanic activity Saint-Claude, Guadeloupe Sept. 19-24, 2005 | Proceedings volume Working group of the European Seismological Commission and Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique de Guadeloupe (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris) IAVCEI-IASPEI | Abstract |
Komorowski JC, G. Boudon, B. Caron, M. Semet, A. Le Friant, P.J. Baxter |
2005 |
Volcanic scenarios and a provisional event tree for Soufrière of Guadeloupe. | Soufrière Hills Volcano-Ten Years On Scientific Conference 24-30 July 2005, Montserrat, West Indies | Proceedings volume | Abstract, oral |
Komorowski JC. | 2004 |
The Exploris project and application to Soufriere of Guadeloupe. | Moderator of a scientific information session presented by U Cam and CAR research group (Baxter, Spence and associates) to elected officials, civil protection and Prefecture, and other institutional crisis managers and decision makers from Basse-Terre Souf. Guad Volcano. |
Exploris Web and reports | Debate discussion |
Komorowski JC. | 2004 |
The Exploris project and application to Soufriere of Guadeloupe. | Moderator of a scientific information session presented by the |
Exploris Web and reports | Debate discussion |
Komorowski JC, G.Boudon, M.Semet, E.Coudret, D.Villemant, A.Le Friant |
2004 |
A new look at the pyroclastic eruptive history of Soufrière of Guadeloupe (French West Indies) in the past 50,000 years: implications for GIS-based hazard scenario definition. | IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly, Pucón, Chile | Proceedings IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly | Abstract |
Komorowski JC., G. Boudon, M. Semet, A. Le Friant, B. Villemant, E. Coudret, J-L. Cheminee, X. Quidelleur, F. Beauducel, G. Hammouya |
2003 |
Dernières données géologiques sur l'instabilité récurrente de la Soufriere de Guadeloupe dans les derniers 15 000 ans: implications quant à l'activité actuelle et future. | Atelier Antilles, Bilan et prospectives, 17-18 Septembre 2003, Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers, Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique, Paris | | Oral presentation |
Komorowski JC., |
2003 |
Soufrière de Guadeloupe: affiner la reconstruction de l'activité éruptive passée, définir les scénarios éruptifs, et évaluer l'aléa dans une architecture SIG- Contributions de l'IPGP au projet EXPLORIS. 5th Framework Program of the European Union, EXPLORIS project. | Présentation du projet à la Préfecture de Guadeloupe (Service Interministériel de Défense et de Protection Civile, BRGM, Parc National de la Guadeloupe, DDE, Mairie de Saint-Claude, Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique, Guadeloupe), Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique, Guadeloupe (IPGP), 21 nov. 2003, Le Houëlmont, Gourbeyre, Guadeloupe. | Exploris Web and reports | Oral Presentation |
Le Friant A., C. Deplus, G. Boudon, JC. Komorowski, C.L. Harford, R.S.J. Sparks, R.A. Herd |
2005 |
Geomorphological evolution of Montserrat (West Indies): importance of flank collapse and erosional processes. | Soufrière Hills Volcano-Ten Years On Scientific Conference 24-30 July 2005, Montserrat, West Indies | Proceedings volume | Abstract, oral |
Le Friant A., G. Boudon, JC. Komorowski, P. Heinrich, M. Semet |
2004 |
Potential flank-collapse of Soufrière volcano, Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles? Numerical simulation and hazards. | EGU General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2004 | Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 6, 2004 | Abstract |
Legendre Y. | 2006 |
Les éruptions explosives passées et futures de la Soufrière de Guadeloupe: genèse de cartes de dépôts de retombées avec le programme Hazmap et implications pour les risques | Master's I thesis IPGP-Univ. Paris 7 (advisor: JC Komorowski) | Master's I thesis Unpublished IPGP-Univ. Paris 7 | Report 1-29 pp |
Lo Savio S., |
2004 |
Modelling the dynamics of large particles in explosive eruptions. | EGU General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2004 | Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 6, 2004 | Abstract, oral |
Lo Savio S., A. Neri, B.F. Houghton, C. Bonadonna |
2003 |
Lagrangian model for complex dynamic in explosive volcanic eruptions. | Cities on Volcanoes 3, Hilo, Hawaii, 14-18 July. | COV 3 Abstract Volume | Abstract, oral |
Macedonio G., A. Neri, J. Martì, A. Folch |
2003 |
Temporal evolution of flow conditions in sustained magmatic explosive eruptions. | EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 06-11 April 2003 | Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 5, 2003, p. 07217 | Abstract, oral |
Neri A. | 2006 |
Assessing the volcanic risk: the contribution of the EXPLORIS project | Workshop on Short and long-term volcanic hazards, Erice, November 2006 | INGV | Oral presentation |
Neri A., T. Esposti Ongaro, G. Menconi, M. De'Michieli Vitturi, C. Cavazzoni, G. Erbacci, P. Baxter |
2006 |
4D simulation of explosive eruption dynamics at Vesuvius | AGU 2006 Fall meeting | AGU Fall Proceedings | Abstract, oral (invited) |
Neri A., T. Esposti Onagro |
2005 |
Numerical modelling of explosive eruptions. | FIST Conference, Spoleto, Sept 2005 | Proceedings of the conference | Abstract, oral |
Neri A., T. Esposti Ongaro, C. Cavazzoni, G. Erbacci |
2005 |
Assessing pyroclastic flow hazard at Vesuvius by 3D multiphase flow simulations | MAEGS 14 Conference, Turin, Sept 2005 | Proceedings of the conference | Abstract, oral |
Neri A. | 2004 |
The simulation of explosive volcanic eruptions. | XXXII International Geological Congress, Firenze, 20-28 August 2004 | IGC Conference proceedings | Abstract, oral |
Neri A. | 2004 |
Simulating the dynamics of volcanic columns: a new challenge in volcanology. | XXV Conference of the Committee in Mathematical Geophysics, New York , 16-18 June 2004 | CMG 2004 Conference proceedings | Abstract, oral |
Neri A., T. Esposti Ongaro, G. Macedonio, M. Todesco, D. Gidaspow |
2003 |
Assessing pyroclastic density current hazard by using multiphase flow models. | EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 06-11 April 2003 | Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 5, 2003, p. 14770 | Abstract, oral |
Neri A., T. Esposti Ongaro, M. Todesco, G. Macedonio, P. Papale, R. Santacroce, A. Longo |
2003 |
Scenari eruttivi da collasso di colonna al Vesuvio. | GNV General Assembly, Roma June 9-11 2003 | GNV General Assembly proceedings | Abstract, oral |
Neri A., T. Esposti Ongaro, S. Barsotti, G. Macedonio |
2003 |
Transient multiphase flow effects in pyroclastic density currents. | XXIII General Assembly of IUGG, Sapporo, June 30-11 July |
IUGG Conference proceedings | Abstract, oral |
Neri A., T. Esposti Ongaro, S. Barsotti |
2003 |
Non-equilibrium multiphase flow effects in pyroclastic density currents. | EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 06-11 April 2003 | Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 5, 2003, p. 04274 | Abstract, oral |
Neri A. and the EXPLORIS Team | 2003 |
The objective of the EU-funded EXPLORIS project. | Cities on Volcanoes 3, Hilo, Hawaii, 14-18 July. | COV 3 Abstract Volume | Abstract, oral |
Neri A. and the EXPLORIS Team | 2003 |
Explosive eruption risk and decision support for EU population threatened by volcanoes. | XXIII General Assembly of IUGG, Sapporo, June 30-11 July | IUGG Conference proceedings | Abstract, oral |
Pacheco J., G. Queiroz, G. Goncalves, J. Gaspar, T. Ferreira |
2005 |
Sete Cidades volcano (S. Miguel, Azores): Constrains to eruptive scenarios. | EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2005 |
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2005 | Abstract, poster |
Pfeiffer T., A. Costa, G. Macedonio |
2003 |
Physical modelling of ash fallout at Vesuvius. | Workshop "Vesuvio: dentro il volcano", Osservatorio Vesuviano, Ercolano, May 8-10, 2003 | Workshop proceedings | Abstract, oral |
Quidelleur X., A. Samper, G. Boudon, A. Le Friant, JC. Komorowski |
2005 |
Radiometric Dating of Large Volume Flank Collapses in The Lesser Antilles Arc. | AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 2005 | Conference proceedings | Abstract,oral |
Samper A., X. Quidelleur, D. Mollex, P. Lahitte |
2006 |
Timing of effusive volcanism within Basse Terre Island (Guadeloupe, French West Indies) from new K-Ar Cassignol-Gillot ages | Subduction et magmatisme dans l'arc des Petites Antilles Second workshop 1-3 june 2006-07-18 Céré la Ronde, France |
Conference proceedings | Abstract, oral |
Samper A., C. Chauvel, X. Quidelleur |
2005 |
Trace elements and Sr, Nd, Pb isotopic study of K-Ar dated lava flows from Basse Terre, Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles Arc. | EGU General Assembly, Vienna , Austria, 24-29 April 2005 | Geophysical Research Abstract | Abstract, oral |
Samper A., |
2004 |
Timing of effusive volcanism within the whole Basse-Terre island, (Guadeloupe, French West Indies) from new K-Ar cassignol-Gillot ages. | EGU General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2004 | Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 6, 2004, 00931 | Abstract |
Samper, A., X. Quidelleur, D. Mollex, JC. Komorowski, G. Boudon |
2004 |
Time evolution of the Basse-Terre island, (Guadeloupe, French West Indies) effusive volcanism from new K-Ar cassignol-Gillot ages. | AGU Assembly San Francisco December 2004 |
AGU Abstracts |
Abstract |
Spence R., |
2006 |
Human casualties in pyroclastics flows: an impact model based on European case studies | Cities on Volcanoes 4, Quito, January 2006 | Proceedings of the conference | Abstract, oral |
Spence R., A. Brown, I. Kelman, G. Zuccaro, P. Baxter, D. Purser, E. Calogero |
2005 |
Pyroclastic flow vulnerability assessment and mitigation around European volcanoes. | EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 24-29 April 2005 | Geophysical Research Abstract | Abstract, oral |
Spence, R., I. Kelman, G. Zuccaro, E. Calogero, P. Baxter, and D. Purser |
2005 |
Modelling, Applying, and Communicating Potential Human Impacts from Explosive Volcanic Eruptions. | EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 24-29 April 2005 | Geophysical Research Abstract | Abstract, oral |
Todesco M., A. Neri, C. Marmo, C. Demaria |
2003 |
E'VIVO: a tool to illustrate numerical modelling of pyroclastic flows to a general public. | Cities on Volcanoes 3, Hilo, Hawaii, 14-18 July. | COV 3 Abstract Volume | Abstract, oral |
Toyos G., P.D. Cole, A. Felpeto, J. Marti |
2004 |
Decision support tools for hazard mapping small volume pyroclastic flows. | IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly, Pucón, Chile | Proceedings IAVCEI 2004 General Assembly | Abstract, oral |
Vennat J. | 2004 |
Téphrochronologie des produits émis au cours de l'activité récentes de la Soufrière de Guadeloupe (Petites Antilles. | Master's thesis |
Master's thesis Unpublished |
Report |
Zuccaro, G., S.M. Petrazzuoli | 2004 |
A new set of roof vulnerability functions for volcanic ash fall. | EGU General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2004 | Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 6, 2004 | Abstract, oral |
4Type: Abstract, Newsletter, Oral Presentation, Paper, Poster, Proceedings, Report, Thesis |